KAWASAKI CITY STORE will send the curated collection of products from City of Kawasaki in Japan for everyone around the world.
KAWASAKI CITY is located just west of Tokyo in Japan. As a part of Tokyo metropolitan area,the city has contributed Japanese industrialization and modernization.

Furthermore, KAWASAKI CITY is one of The 53 Stations of the Tokaido (Hiroshige Utagawa,1832-1833) and is along the Tokaido road, the highway connecting Edo to Kyoto.

Accordingly, we respect not only Japanese modern cultures but also Japanese traditional cultures.
Through this store, overseas customers can purchase a variety of products made by Japanese specialists from glass artisans to sheet metal workers.

You can also purchase experiential services offered within Kawasaki City at this store.
Through these experiential services, feel the charm of Kawasaki.

Kawasaki City has various colors.

The culture of the Doraemon Museum, the industry seen in the factory nightscape, and the technology of the local factories all come together to create various attractions.

 Please enjoy the charming products of Kawasaki City.

<<Kawasaki City celebrates its 100th anniversary this year>>